SeART - Semantic Aware Real-Time Scheduling
SeART or Semantic aware real-time shceduling is an open-source project which has been thought
for complex and real-time intelligent robotic applications.
Real-Time operating systems are important in all those applications where timing
constraints on task execution play a fundamental role, such as control systems in
general and robotics in particular. A real-time application is normally composed
of multiple tasks with different levels of criticality. Missing some deadlines for
soft real-time tasks will lead to paying penalties. On the other hand, hard real-
time tasks cannot miss any deadline, otherwise, undesirable or fatal results will
be produced in the system.
The conventional real-time schedulers aim to assign task to resources based on
primary properties of each tasks and their timing constraints. However, these
types of schedulers are often inadequate to deal with the complexity of intelligent
systems, where it is important to schedule tasks not only on the basis of their
timing constraints, but also to choose between available tasks depending on the
current context. Assume a complex system (e.g., an autonomous mobile robot);
different activities are usually required to be performed concurrently, i.e., motion
control, navigation, motion planning, localization and obstacle avoidance. Depending
on the cognitive model adopted (reactive, deliberative, hybrid) different
tasks can be available to perform the same activity, possibly with different timing
constraints and able to guarantee different performance.
SeART addresses the problem of selecting, depending on the current
context, a subset of tasks to be scheduled by the operating system in order to
achieve the user’s objective, by meeting real-time and additional constraints.
Towards this end, it can be easily interfaced with existing middleware for robotics
to provide them with extended functionalities.