SeART - Semantic Aware Real-Time scheduling



SeART - Semantic Aware Real-Time Scheduling

SeART or Semantic aware real-time shceduling is an open-source project which has been thought for complex and real-time intelligent robotic applications. SeART addresses the problem of selecting, depending on the current context, a subset of tasks to be scheduled by the operating system in order to achieve the user’s objective, by meeting real-time and additional constraints. Towards this end, it can be easily interfaced with existing middleware for robotics to provide them with extended functionalities.

SeART has been designed and implemented in software as a three layered archi tecture: through the SeART Abstraction Layer, it can be easily extended to work with virtually any possible real-time operating system.

Currently, SeART supports following operating systems:
  • XENOMAI (which also supports RTAI)
  • ETHNOS (POSIX support)

Release note (** New release **)

SeART version 2.00 is currently available for download. (Download page, Subversion access)

Some new features are:
  • Job can be provided with desired frequency. This frequency will be adjusted properly to the found solution. Thus one can ask SeART to find a proper solution and run the tasks with that frequency. Frequencies can be "inherited" from other tasks or remained unchanged - "given". They can be also limited to an "upperbounded" value.
  • Different reasoning approaches are implemented. Depending on the need and characteristics of algorithms, one can choose between "depth first" or "uniform cost" reasoning algorithm.
  • SeART ontology are updated to support new features and offer more convenient application development.
  • SeART APIs are modified. (see documentaion)
  • SeART graph generator are modified to provide more informative graph of ontology.
  • More facilities for cross compilation are provided.
  • More sophisticated examples are implemented to demonestrate how SeART can employed for more complex robotic applications. (See Transportation scenario in a hospital)

SeART version 1.00 is currently available for download from its Download page or via Subversion access.

The following modification has been done in the current version:
  • Current version of SeART successful supports loading ontology from RDF:XML files using Raptor library.
  • Some bugs regarding target-architecture compilation have been fixed.
  • Required modification have been done to support Ethnos 6.1 with different mechanism for Experts suspension/resume.
  • SeART documentation (user's guide and etc.) has been updated.

Copyright © 2010 Ali Paikan, Antonio Sgorbissa
Università degli Studi di Genova
Via Opera Pia 13, 16145,
Genova, Italy